Ordering Information _________________________ SuperDuper registration (to unlock all of SuperDuper's features) = $20 SuperDuper with manual and disk = $30 AutoDuper with manual and disk (for autoloaders) = $250 If you wish to pay by credit card via phone: Call Snap Systems at 408.899.4821 If you wish to pay by credit card via email: Press command-C to copy the contents of this text box to the clipboard. Paste into a new message in your email program. In your email program, enter the requested info after the colons in the "box" below. Then email to: snap@netcom.com If you wish to pay by check via postal mail: Press command-C to copy the contents of this text box to the clipboard. Paste into a new message in your text editor, such as SimpleText. In your text editor, enter the requested info after the colons in the "box" below. Then print and send to: Snap Systems 1130 Fremont Blvd #367 Seaside, CA 93955 --------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPERDUPER REGISTRATION QUANTITY: SUPERDUPER REGISTRATION AMOUNT (quantity x $20): SUPERDUPER w/MANUAL QUANTITY: SUPERDUPER w/MANUAL AMOUNT (quantity x $30): AUTODUPER QUANTITY: AUTODUPER AMOUNT (quantity x $250): SUBTOTAL: CA TAX 6.5%: TOTAL: EXACT NAME ON CARD: CREDIT CARD NUMBER: EXPIRATION DATE: NAME: COMPANY: STREET ADDRESS: CITY, ST ZIP: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: COMMENTS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------